Flu Vaccines
The influenza virus infects your nose, throat and lungs. The flu is normally worse than a cold.
Older people, young children, pregnant women, and people with certain medical conditions are at a higher risk of developing serious complications from influenza, such as pneumonia. If you’re at higher risk, it is important to see your doctor early, to find out if you need treatment.
Symptoms of influenza come on suddenly and can include fever, chills, muscle aches, runny nose, cough and stomach upsets. In temperate climates such as New Zealand’s, you’re more likely to get the flu in winter. Some people get very sick – influenza causes deaths every year.
How Do I Book a Flu Vaccine?
We will notify our patients via our recall system and by alert via our website. We run clinics from the moment we have the current vaccine.
We also deliver influenza vaccines to businesses and rest homes in the Whanganui region. Please contact the Hub Co-ordinator for costs and a booking for your business. Rest homes are contacted directly by AHC.